The Society of Transportation Professionals are federal transportation employees uniting for workplace safety, fairness, and collaboration.
All DOT professionals deserve guaranteed input in workplace decisions
While thousands of Department of Transportation (DOT) professionals have a voice at work and a seat at the table to negotiate with management, many do not. DOT employees with a union have a wealth of rights and protections that those of without a union simply do not have. It’s time for more DOT professionals to organize.
Professionals in union have a legally-protected say in workplace decisions. During the pandemic, federal sector union members have used their voices to advocate for flexible schedules and telework, expanded safety measures, and other protections. All DOT professionals deserve a voice to create more collaborative, democratic workplaces.

Union transportation professionals are improving their federal agencies
Recruiting and Retaining Quality Staff
Federal sector union professionals understand the challenges of competing with private companies when recruiting employees. With their unions, they have created more welcoming work environments that value professionals’ contributions. Union professionals at DOT have also negotiated for more autonomy in hiring to expedite decisions through tools like direct local hiring. By unionizing, employees across DOT can create more attractive organizations to potential employees.
Upholding Professional Standards
Federal transportation professionals use their expertise to provide critical services to the American people, like building and maintaining infrastructure and inspecting equipment to make sure travel can occur safely. With a union, professionals have the power to make sure professional standards are upheld and their professional opinions are respected.
Advocating on Capitol Hill
Federal lawmakers greatly affect federal transportation employees’ work, compensation, and priorities. With their unions, federal employees like those at the FAA have input in the policy decisions that affect their work. With a union, federal transportation professionals will have a voice in Washington, D.C. to advocate for federal pay increases, expanded benefits for government employees, funding to end shutdowns, and more resources for projects so professionals can effectively do their jobs.
Union transportation professionals have:
Workplace fairness
Unions ensure a workplace that is equitable and fair. With a collective voice, union professionals negotiate for policies and procedures to be applied fairly. Union contracts formalize fair treatment in assignments, performance reviews, and career paths, which is important for professionals’ morale and productivity.
Safety on the job
Federal transportation professionals are responsible for constructing and maintaining the nation’s infrastructure. When working on these projects, safety must always be a top priority. Unionized DOT employees make sure their safety is not overlooked by ensuring safety standards are upheld and proper equipment is provided on job sites.
Collaborative relationships with management
Hundreds of thousands of federal union members know that being pro-union does not make them anti-management. In fact, unions create more collaborative and productive workplaces. Without a union, work schedules and workplace safety, and other working conditions are dictated by management and the agency could change them at its discretion. A union guarantees us an equal seat at the table and formalized communication channels to ensure that workplace changes are not made without input from the affected workers.

Join with other federal transportation employees
Thousands of federal transportation employees have already exercised their workplace right to join together in union. With their unions, they have created organizations where professionals want to work by prioritizing fairness, safety, and collaboration.
Contact us.
Fill out our form and our staff will reach out to you with more information about forming a union in your workplace.